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Skokie Pro Lock, LLC: Transponder Keys, Problems

Skokie Pro Lock, LLCIf you have a vehicle that is new or was otherwise made after the middle of the 90’s, then we can assume that the likelihood of you having a transponder key is very high. Because this isn’t just a standard key, issues can come up over time. And when they do, you are going to want to do your best to have them resolved fast – why? Because you need to be able to operate your vehicle. That’s why you own the vehicle. It gets you to where you need to know, and with the transponder key being connected by signal to your exact vehicle, you need it to work. If it wasn’t directly linked to your car, then it wouldn’t serve its anti-theft purposes and you’d be able to just run out to pick up a new one at a local store.

You’re probably wondering what to do if you have transponder key problems. You want to know if the best bet is a trip to the dealership. You want to know what it will end up costing you. But what you might not realize is that you can reach out to a locksmith for help. 

We are going to go over prospective difficulties with transponder keys and what to do to resolve them. Hopefully, if you end up in a boat in which your transponder key is problematic in any way or even goes missing, you will have a better understanding of the next best move. 

Your transponder key is nowhere to be found

Are you unable to locate or remember where you last put your transponder key? Obviously, being sure to re-trace your steps is the firsts move to make, but let’s say you already did this. The question becomes, was it stolen from you? Or will you ever find it again? This is a problem we have heard time and time again. Things go missing, after all. If this happens to you, call a locksmith for assistance. They can program a key for you so even if you can’t find the old one, you won’t have to worry. 

Skokie Pro Lock, LLC offers automotive lock and security services in and near Skokie, IL. If you are unable to locate or remember where you last put your transponder key, we recommend calling us if you are in our location or an expert that services your area. When you are facing the problem of a lost transponder key, don’t forget to open up your car’s manual. In here, you should be able to figure out how to disable the previous key (this information can be relayed to a locksmith) and it might have information on programming a new key.  

Your transponder key won’t work

Is your transponder key not working? When it comes to locks and keys, functional products are a necessity. What’s the point of having a key you can’t use, especially if you need this key in order to be able to operate your vehicle? First things first – if your key won’t work, figure out if it’s a manufacturer’s defect. If this is the case and your warrant is still in place, then you might not have to pay a dime. Obviously, an expired warranty will mean that there is a cost involved. If in doubt, call a locksmith. When your transponder key doesn’t transfer information to the vehicle’s computer, the key might need reprogramming. 

Notice if the chip is damaged

A transponder key, as you might already know, is one that has a chip in it. Let’s say something goes wrong, like it soaks up a bunch of liquid. If this happens, chip damage can definitely occur. If your car sometimes won’t start, you will want a new transponder key made. Allow a locksmith specializing in auto lock services to tackle the job. 

The problem is not the key – it’s the ignition 

If your transponder key is seemingly not functioning, it might not actually be an issue with the key at all. It could be the ignition and the ignition having some sort of obstruction in the way. Try pressurized air to remove the blockage in the ignition, and if this does not work, you might need to have the ignition switch replaced. Again, this is a job you can turn to an auto locksmith expert for. 

The transponder key was not programmed properly 

Programming issues could be the reason why the transponder key is showing problems. Bad codes could be being sent out. Reprogramming would be necessary. And you guessed it – a locksmith can do this. 
If you have a vehicle, and you have transponder keys that go with it, problems can come up over time. You will want these issues to be fixed quickly. Why? Because you need your car to get from point A to point B.  

Now you know why transponder keys are important and needed, if you were unsure before of why they are needed. Transponder keys are a security feature and they offer benefits to those who own vehicles. Your key uses a specific signal that connects to your car and only to your car, so it’s not like you can run out to the local store to grab a new one if something goes wrong. You need to know who to reach out to for assistance, and we recommend turning to a professional. No matter what you drive, you likely have a transponder key to go with it – Ford, GM, Kia, BMW, Lexus, Mazda, Mercedes, Hyundai, Toyota, or anything else. Just know that if you are facing transponder key problems, regardless of your make or model, you do have solutions that are at your disposal. We hope you have an idea of how to deal with some of the possible problems that can come up after reading this article. Since you can’t run the engine with a broken or a missing electronic security device, you need to make sure to have your transponder key issues fixed as quickly as possible. Thank you for learning more about this topic!