Skokie Pro Lock, LLC

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Skokie Pro Lock, LLC: Keyless Entry System Benefits

Skokie Pro Lock, LLCKeyless entry systems are all the rage. They are no longer just systems that you see in sci-fi movies. They have now just about become the norm in certain situations. What’s up with their popularity? Why do so many have an interest in “going keyless” and is it something that might benefit you? These are systems designed to be convenient and to make things easier for those who use them. They are also designed to give you better security. We are here to discuss keyless systems with you and to make sure that you understand how they work and why they are good to have. We are proud to serve Skokie, Illinois and the surrounding area here at Skokie Pro Lock, LLC. But don’t worry if you aren’t in our location – rest assured, you can benefit from the information we are about to provide.

What are the different kinds of keyless entry systems available? 

So, this is one of the benefits to going keyless – you have many different options at your disposal. For example, you might want the addition of keyless entry to your car. You can have the option of unlocking and locking your vehicle from the outside thanks to a transmitter. Maybe you have an older vehicle that did not come with this type of system. But you can have one installed. You can also get home automation keyless locks if you want more advanced security for your home. You can opt to use a key fob transmitter which allows you to get into your house with ease – you have the option of doing things like powering on the porch light or even unlocking the door before you get to the door. How convenient is that? Of course, keyless entry is also an option for commercial properties. Clearly, you have many options no matter the type of property you are attempting to better secure and make more convenient. 

Is Keyless a Good Option for Me? 

A keyless entry system can be a very good option for you, depending on your goals. It gives you control over who is coming onto your property, which might be imperative to your situation. How can people get in? They would have to have a code, or a matching fingerprint, or a card or other form of entry. It depends on the system you get. You can even grant entry using your smartphone. 

Important Benefits

There are many important benefits to going keyless. Here, we are going to get into some of the most popular reasons we hear for locals choosing to go keyless. 

Lock Change Outs Are No Longer Needed 

If you use a keyless entry system for your property, then you will never have to change your locks. If your keys get stolen or lost, or if you have an employee leave your company, you can save money by just changing your code. It’s easy! 

You Don’t Have to Worry About Lockouts 

If you have ever been locked out, then you realize how high-stress of a situation this is. It is scary depending on where and how it happens, but it can also cost you money in setting you back completely for your day or night. It’s difficult but you can avoid this situation if you have a keyless entry system. You won’t have to keep track of a key or worry about it getting stolen. You won’t have to worry about losing a key. This is because you simply will not have a key.  

Access Control  

Maybe in the past, you have had someone try to access your commercial property without your permission. Or maybe you are in charge of a campus and certain individuals should not be able to get into certain rooms for their own safety. The point is, if you have any concerns with regard to who is coming in to your property, a keyless system might be a good option for you because it offers access control. How is this possible? Well, you have the option of only sharing entry codes with particular people. You also have the option to change your entry code after it’s been a specific amount of time, so that you can give people temporary access. If you think this is convenient, you’re right! 

Get on the phone for a free consultation with a locksmith such as Skokie Pro Lock, LLC. We are able to provide answers to your questions and make sure you fully understand and know the options that are available to you. We can make sure you are taken care of if you are looking into going keyless. 

Various Systems

Here are some things to consider regarding keyless systems. You want to decide if you are looking for the keyless lock to appear to be a typical doorknob. You will want to ask yourself if you want remote access. You will want to ask yourself if a battery powered or electric system might be better for you. You should also ask yourself if you want the option of unlocking the system prior to getting to the door. Should the system connect to your phone? Should it alert you if someone is attempting to break in? There are so many options available! Tell a locksmith about your interests.

Here are some of the benefits of keyless entry systems, summed up…

These are systems that were made specifically to be convenient and to make things easier for those who use them, so if you are a property owner, consider the perks to going keyless. They are also designed to give you better security and who is not interested in that? We are happy to have gone over keyless systems with you and why they are good to have.