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Investing in A Gun Safe

Gun violence in the U.S. has become so bad that there are other countries that now have travel warnings to discourage travel here. It is true that there are some responsible gun owners but there are also some very irresponsible gun owners too, which is why it is so important to have a gun safe. There are some who know that gun safes save lives. If you are a gun owner and you don’t already have a gun safe then you could actually be placing yourself and your loved ones in harm’s way. Below, we have highlighted some reasons for purchasing and keeping your firearms in a gun safe.   

If someone breaks into your home, they may not have any intentions of causing you any harm. However, when someone is suddenly confronted by an intruder, they may do something that they didn’t plan on doing. This has often been the case when someone is breaking in and they are startled. If they find a gun while in your home, there is a good chance that they just might use it on you.  

Tragically, there are many children who have lost their lives because they have found a gun in the home and used it without knowing that it was loaded. To protect children, 27 states make it mandatory to keep locks in a gun safe. If your gun is not locked up and a child is harmed, you will face some serious charges, especially if you are found to have been negligent for not having your gun locked in a safe.   

If you are a gun owner then you have probably heard activists claim that guns are dangerous no matter who owns them. They feel that they are a threat to the public and that no one should be able to carry them unless they are law enforcement. They claim that most people who own them are irresponsible, despite their keeping their firearms in a safe, securely locked away. If someone were to use the gun to cause harm to others then they will use this incident to prove their claim. It would be even worse if a child were to be harmed by gunfire. If the media finds out then it could go national. This is all that they would need to hear. You may be able to protect your 2nd Amendment rights by complying with gun laws about keeping your firearms locked away.   

Safety is the #1 reason for keeping your gun in a safe. If it is locked up you won’t have to worry about your keys falling in the wrong hands. You should always consider that it is possible for someone to get their hands on your gun and use it in an inappropriate manner. Consider what would happen if a child were in your home and got their hands on the gun and began playing with it. You might think that you put it far from sight that there is no way anyone would be able to break in and steal it. However, children are naturally curious so they may do whatever they can to find something of interest to play with. It might happen to be your gun.

There are some who will place their guns out in a glass cabinet so that others can see. This is a really bad thing to do, as it could give thieves the chance to see exactly what you have. Perhaps someone breaks in and they see the guns. They could simply break the glass and grab what they want. If a burglar thing they can get street value for the guns that you have, they won’t hesitate to steal them. If you are insistent on keeping your guns in a visible cabinet, at least contact one of our locksmiths at Skokie Pro Lock, LLC in Skokie, IL. They will be able to fit your cabinet for the perfect lock. 

If you are telling yourself that you are responsible but you don’t have your firearms in a safe then you are not as responsible as you think you are. Gun safes are not that expensive so there really isn’t much of an excuse as to why you shouldn’t have one. They are manufactured in every price range so this means that it is possible for you to find the perfect safe for your gun.

Many people do know this but we’re happy to pass this information on to you. If you are seen as a responsible gun owner then there are some insurance companies that are happy to cut you a break. Some insurance companies see it as a win-win for them and the consumer who has a gun safe. Their receiving a discount on their insurance is a great incentive for gun owner to keep their guns securely locked away. When they do, this means that the insurance company won’t have to pay out money for any claims. They in rewarding responsible gun owners. If you’re interested in saving money – and we can’t think of anyone who doesn’t - then inquire of your insurance company, as to whether or not they offer discounts on monthly premiums if you have a gun safe. If they don’t then you might want to begin looking for one that does and save hundreds of dollars annually on insurance premiums.

There are many other benefits derived from keeping your gun in a safe. The most important thing to consider is that you will not be liable if someone happens to get their hands on your firearms since you keep yours in a gun safe. This is not only the right thing to do; it is also the safe thing to do. Make sure you’re able keep yourself and others safe by contacting our local locksmiths to find out what type of gun safes are available to you.